We will bring forth clear and positive messages on demilitarization based on rigorous studies, political experiences, and individual witness and testimony.
• AWWA is making contact with some of the key officials in Costa Rica and are forming a collaborative relationship. • AWWA is conducting research on all aspects of demilitarization for an information packet, website, and DVD publication. • AWWA has helped organize exhibitions of Costa Rican children’s art with the theme of “A World Without Armies” in Costa Rica (San Ramon), U.S.A. (Oakland, California), Canada (Toronto), Germany (Wuppertal, Berlin), Japan (Gifu), and The Netherlands (Amsterdam). We are in the process of producing this exhibition in other parts of the world. • In April 2005, AWWA sponsored the sixtieth anniversary celebration of the United Nations in collaboration with US and Costa Rican musicians, at the UN University for Peace in Costa Rica. The multi-color painting “Circle of All Nations,” 21’ x 26’, which was created for the fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the UN Charter in San Francisco, was displayed at the event. • In Mary 2006, AWWA co-sponsored with Directión Nacional de Prevención de la Voilencia y el Delito, Ministry of Justice, Costa Rica, the first women’s workshop for Central America Without Armies in San José, Costa Rica. • AWWA produced a DVD “Free from Fear: Voices of Women in Costa Rica, ” by Catherine Margerin. • In April 2007, AWWA initiated and co-sponsored the First Conference of Women for the Abolition of Armies in Central America by 2020, with Latin American Institute of Peace Studies, the University of International Cooperation, Center of Friends for Peace in Costa Rica, at the Ministry of Culture, San José, Costa Rica. For more information: http://aworldwithoutarmies.blogspot.com. |
One-time and periodic financial contributions help us to carry on our projects around the globe. Contributions from the United States are tax deductible. Use Paypal to donate securely on-line or send contributions to: A World Without Armies, 1520 Blake Street, Berkeley, CA 94703 U.S.A. |